You can be, do or have whatever you desire!
I'm Amy, a certified professional life coach. I work with people ready to discover and align with their true passions and values. AV Life Coaching is dedicated to empowering you to live your ideal life. With her guidance, you will learn to fulfill your desires, embrace your true self, and become the person you aspire to be.
Play a Welcome Message from Amy
As a life coach, I help you see beyond your current perspective to the endless possibilities life has to offer.
• Silence the chatter in your mind
• Make decisions that bring you happiness
• Open yourself to opportunities for a happier life
• Guide you in using the Law of Attraction to achieve career goals
• Teach you how to use your energy to shape your day
Let's work together to develop the habits and skills you need to tackle life's challenges while maintaining forward momentum.
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A Guided Meditation Video
5 Affirmations to Manifest Desires

Our thoughts create our reality. Focusing on the negative invites more negativity, while focusing on the positive invites more positivity. Affirmations shift our focus from what's missing to what we have. Daily affirmations are powerful and can lead to feeling better, finding joy, and getting what we want. Download my free guide for five daily affirmations to manifest your desires. Also, try my guided meditation video for inner exploration, peace, clarity, and growth.